Sunday, August 16, 2015

Great Letter for Recruiting a Team!

This week one of my great helpers for the Run to Rescue Virtual Run, Sue Williamson, sent me a letter to review.  Excited to build a large team to help this effort, she is mailing it to friends in her homeschool support group and at her church.  With her permission, I am sharing it here as a model for anyone else looking to build a team to help this cause!  Thanks so much, Sue!

Dear Friends, Click here to watch a video on She Is Safe's mission.

Katy Anderson, a missionary friend and former member of my church, introduced me to her mission work and ministry a few years ago at dear friend's home. Katy presented a slide show and spoke about She Is Safe, opening my eyes to the plight of many girls/young women in the world (as you have hopefully watched on the video link above). Last year, my friend Mary Odell worked hard to organize a 5K Virtual Rescue Run for She Is Safe. I'm so proud of her and inspired by her faith put into good works. With the Lord always leading the way the results were: 85 participants from Alaska to Puerto Rico raising $2600 for S.I.S.!

Here's an excerpt from Mary Odell's blog: "I am not going to bury my head in the luxurious sand of my comfy North American life, praising God for my blessings while ignoring the ugliness elsewhere.
I am not going to do nothing.

For now my "something" is to stand with those who are fighting the darkness with the light and hope of the Gospel.  I am standing with She is Safe and their partners in the darkest places through the Run to Rescue Virtual Run.   Will you join me?"

Virtual run?? What does "virtual" mean, you may ask. "Virtual" in this sense simply means that the 3.1 miles required to run or walk on behalf of raising money and awareness for this worthy cause can be "virtually" done ANYWHERE in the WORLD by men, women, or children. Registration is online only and participants are asked to post a photo or two of their experience so others on social media can see us come together one weekend out of the year to help rescue girls from lives of feeling and being treated as unworthy and of no value. WE know GOD values all life...every single life, so knowing this, isn't it our responsibility to share this knowledge with others? We are not all called to go to India and other 3rd world countries like Katy does, but we can all do "something" as Mary wrote. This Rescue Run is one idea, but one I hope you will consider doing because 1) it's easy-- you don't HAVE to do the physical part and you don't HAVE to do the financial part...keep reading to find out more about that 2) As fellow Christians we want to encourage them as the Word teaches all of us to care for the poor and orphans of this world.

If you want to walk with me  I would love it—(insert time and location).  If you can’t make it at that time, you can do walk or run whenever and wherever as long as it’s sometime during the weekend of Oct.9-11! Walk your neighborhood, run the trail, walk on a treadmill, but take pictures and help us spread awareness by posting your photo on social media and/or wearing your Rescue Run t-shirts. You see, the difference between just writing a check and sending it or participating in this Rescue Run, is that the Run was formed to help spread the news about She Is Safe's ministry so that MORE people will become aware & decide to help out. The results of last year prove that it's an effective means of "free advertising", so to speak. It was a great first showing, but we're confident we can do even better this year "with a little (more) help from our friends".

So here's the good news for those of you that can't afford the registration fee, but want to help out: If you can't pay the registration fee, but would like to participate, find a Sponsor who will register for you while you do the grunt work! We tried this last year with a couple broke college students who were quite capable to run a 5K. This year we've added this idea to the official Registration page.

So here's the good news for those that can't or don't want to physically run or walk the 3.1 miles: Become a Sponsor by paying the registration fee and someone will walk/run for you! You can either find someone to run/walk for you (this would be great!) OR the Rescue Run will find someone who will do it (one of those people in the previous paragraph:).

This way, everyone of all ages and stages can help out the Rescue Run and help save and empower lives around the world in the name of Jesus. :) Please register by clicking here and join my team— or make a team of your own. There is a team discount code. Just follow the instructions on the Registration page found at this link.

Thank you for reading and prayerfully considering this,

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